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Suck It Up

Soren and I just got back from the doctor. This poor kid has had a rough month, health-wise. 3 1/2 weeks ago: He was diagnosed with an ear infection and was on antibiotics for ten days. 2 weeks ago: He came down with a stomach bug and threw up ALL night. Luckily (?), it was the day after  Christmas, so at least he was able to enjoy the holiday. Extra-luckily, we were at my parents and had help when he was sick. And when I got sick. And when Ren got sick. And then I was able to help when my parents took turns getting sick. The rest of us largely recovered after two days, but Soren took about a week to totally recover. 1 week ago: He got over the stomach bug and came down with a cold. It seemed to get better for a few days, then got WAY worse (feverish for several days.) Last night: His cough was finally starting to diminish, but halfway through the night he woke up crying and spent several hours in a lot of pain. ("My ears hurt!") Turns out he has a double ear infection,
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I'm making treats with the boys and I let them each lick a spoon after all the mixing was done. When I saw how messy Soren was I said "That's it, you're done! You are COVERED in chocolate!" He promptly responded "Don't worry, I'll lick it all off." šŸ˜

Parent of the Year

Ren just got mad at me because I wouldn't give him dessert. (After explaining that he had a candy cane and that counted as a treat.) So he decided to shove the table, which caused a cup of water to fall over and splash onto the keyboard of my work computer. I was so mad I grabbed another cup off the table and tossed the water right at his chest. Probably not the best parenting move ever made. Oh well.

Happy Birthday Ren!

Ren's birthday is really close to Thanksgiving, so we tend to celebrate early or late to ensure more of his friends are in town. I'm not big on birthday parties, but he'd been talking about his Transformers birthday party for months, so I decided to make it happen. (Keeping in mind that I'm an elementary teacher, so I like to plan things out,) here's how I turn a playdate into a party: 15 minutes: simple craft/activity for kids to do while everyone is arriving. (This year I had planned to print out some Transformers masks and let the kids color them. That didn't happen, so they did a Transformers maze and word search I found on 15 minutes: game (we did Transformers memory, using pictures I found online and printed out.) 15 minutes: simple craft #2 - time to decorate treat bags. 15 minutes: piƱata. (In case anyone else is doing a party on a budget, let me just tell you: the $5 piƱatas at Grocery Outlet are amazingly sturdy!!!) 15 minutes: eat h